Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner with Every Purchase

In the winter of 2017, The Tribe & True Foundation® was brought to life.  Now, with every purchase, a Native American in need is provided with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The Tribe & True Foundation® was created to assist Native American children and families throughout the New Mexico region to access healthy and nutritious food.  We partner with The Community Pantry to provide meals to Natives in need & Hope Garden to provide several acres of land for growing produce.  The Community Pantry & Hope Garden have taken huge strides in Gallup and surrounding areas in New Mexico to promote self-sustainability and healthy living through the demonstration gardens on site.  "We're vital to their existence, we're vital to their survival. We're vital to their quality of life and I don't want us to go away -- because we are here to make life better for our communities." 

- Alice Perez, Executive Director of Community Pantry of New Mexico. 

Currently the Hope Garden has six hoop houses that are year-round. These houses demonstrate how season extenders are used in short season areas. They produce vegetables and greens even in the winter without the use of carbon-based energy.

The Hope Garden features several acres of land for growing produce, and a multitude of “hoop houses”. The hoop houses are covered areas used for vegetables and herbs during the growing season, promoting self-sustainability and healthy living through demonstration gardens on site.


Thousands of low income families are provided with meals as well as food boxes each month.  Healthy produce options are provided to promote a positive well-being and assist Natives that struggle with diabetes and other health concerns. 




We have also been involved in the Adopt A Native Elder Program since 2015.  The Adopt-A-Native-Elder Program exists to create a bridge of hope between Native Americans and other cultures. It allows us to reach out to one another, share our gifts, and mend the broken circle of our relationship with the Land and the Native Americans who hold it in sacred trust. - https://www.anelder.org/